
The Calgary Nordic Alliance

Jane Doe
John Doe


  • Confederation Park Update
    Snow farming was done on a connector trail to the blue and green trails on Wednesday evening and it was groomed afterwards. The goal is create snow farmed loop on the blue/green trails as the snow holds best there. Conditions are still quite marginal with hazards like paved and gravel pathways in certain places. PleaseContinue reading “Confederation Park Update”
  • Confederation Grooming Update
    The driving range was groomed yesterday after the snow farming on Wednesday night. No tracks were set as it is too shallow. Coverage is good on the 3 lanes up the middle with a few spots where grass is coming through. Coverage on the rear of the driving range is ok to poor. Watch forContinue reading “Confederation Grooming Update”
  • Snow Farming Friday Night Nov 27
    Volunteers have made great progress on snow farming this week at Confederation so want to keep momentum going. Fri Nov 27 6:30 to 8pm max 10 people. Sign up here.volunteersignup.org/Y8CBH